MATLAB Tutorial | Matrix Laboratory MATLAB tutorial is prepared for complete beginners to MATLAB. Our MATLAB tutorial provides excellent insight into the…
matlab operators
Matrices and Arrays in MATLAB MATLAB operates on whole matrices and arrays at a time. All types of data variables are stored…
Multi-Dimensional Arrays in MATLAB Arrays with one more than two dimensions are called multi-dimensional arrays. Multi-dimensional arrays are created with more than…
Sparse Arrays in MATLAB When an ordinary array is declared, MATLAB creates a memory location for every element in the array. For…
Linear Algebra Solving a Linear System A linear algebraic equation is an equation of the system a1 x1+a2 x2+a3 x3+⋯+an xn=b where…
MATLAB hist() A histogram is a plot presenting the distribution of values within a data set. To develop a histogram, the range…
MATLAB meshz() It creates a mesh plot with a curtain around it. Syntax mesh(X,Y,Z) mesh(Z) mesh(…,C) mesh(…,’PropertyName’,PropertyValue,…) mesh(axes_handles,…) meshc(…) meshz(…) h =…
MATLAB Double Integral To evaluate integrals of the form MATLAB provides a function dblquad. The calling syntax for dblquad is I=dblquad (‘fxy-fun’,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,tol,@method)…
MATLAB Loops A loop statement allow us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple times. MATLAB provides different types of…
MATLAB switch The switch is another type of conditional statement and executes one of the group of several statements. If we want…