C++ String max_size() This function returns the maximum length the string can reach due to known system. Syntax Consider a string str.…
object and class
C++ String operator[]() This function is used to get a character at position pos in the string. Syntax Consider a string ‘str’…
C++ String crbegin() The crbegin() function stands for ‘reverse beginning’. This function references to the last character of the string. Syntax Consider…
C++ String crend() The crend() function stands for reverse end. It points to the first character of string and returns constant reverse…
C++ String operator=() This function is used to assign a new value to the string, replacing all the current contents. Syntax Consider…
C++ String Data() This function copies the characters of the string into an array. It returns the pointer to an array obtained…
C++ String pop_back() This function is used to remove a last character of a string, decreasing its length by one. Syntax Consider…
C++ String push_back() This function is used to add new character ch at the end of the string, increasing its length by…
C++ String append() This function is used to extend the string by appending at the end of the current value. Syntax Consider…
C++ String rbegin() The rbegin() function stands for reverse beginning. This function is used to point to the last character of the…