Java ObjectInputStream readFloat() Method The readFloat() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 32-bit float. Syntax public float readFloat()throws IOException…
Java ObjectInputStream readInt() Method The readInt() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 32-bit int. Syntax Public int readInt() throws…
Java ObjectInputStream readLong() Method The readLong() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 64 bit float. Syntax public long readLong()throws…
Java ObjectInputStream readShort() Method The readShort() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 16-bit short. Syntax Public short readShort() throws…
Java Objectinputstream readUnsignedShort() Method The readUnsignedShort() method of ObjectInputStream class reads an unsigned 16 bit short. Syntax public int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException…
Java ObjectInputStream readUnsingedByte() Method The readUnsignedByte() method of ObjectInputStream class reads an unsigned 8 bit byte. Syntax public int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException…