I’m: Basic Usage and Examples I’m is an acronym for the word ‘I AM.’ It is used to tell someone about yourself.…
I’m here to + (verb): Usage and Examples I’m here to informs someone you are at the specific place to accomplish something.…
I’m + (verb-ing): Usage and Examples I’m + (verb) denotes an action about yourself. Examples: ” I’m dancing. ” ” I’m watching…
I’m working on + (noun): Usage and Examples I’m working on informs someone you are doing something. It denotes your effort to…
I’m calling to + (verb): Usage and Examples I’m looking forward to informs someone you are doing phone call and pass on…
It’s gonna be + (adjective): Usage and Examples It’s gonna be + (ajective) denotes it is going to be like. Examples: ”…
I’m dying to + (verb): Usage and Examples I’m dying to + (verb) informs someone you are desiring something greatly. Examples: ”…
It’s hard for me to + (verb): Usage and Examples It’s hard for me to + (verb) denotes you are in difficulty…
I’m getting: Usage and Examples I’m getting informs someone you have been affected by something, or you are getting a particular thing.…
It’s my turn to + (verb): Usage and Examples It’s my turn to + (verb) denotes it is time to change the…