HTML style using CSS Let’s suppose we have created our web page using a simple HTML code, and we want something which…
phrase tag
What does br mean in html The br is a tag in Html. Html <br> tag is used to break the line…
What does Div mean in Html The Div is a tag in Html. Html <Div> tag is used for making the divisions…
Simple HTML Pages There are the following different examples implemented for creating the simple HTML pages using the different basic tags: Example…
What does p mean in Html The p is a tag in Html. Html <p> tag is used to define the paragraph…
What does span do in Html The span is a tag in Html. Html <span> tag is used for grouping the inline…
What does ul mean in Html The ul is a tag in Html. Html <ul> tag is used for designing the unordered…
HTML <var> tag HTML <var> tag is a phrase tag which is used to define the variable for a mathematical equation, or…
HTML <tbody> tag HTML <tbody> tag is used to group the table rows (<tr>) together, which indicates that this is body part…
HTML <td> tag HTML <td> tag is used to specify the cells of an HTML table which contain data of the table.…