Java ObjectInputStream readStreamHeader() Method The readStreamHeader() method of ObjectInputStream is used to allow subclasses to read and verify their respective stream headers.…
Java ObjectInputStream class The objectinputstream class is mainly used to deserialize the primitive data and objects which are written by using ObjectOutputStream.…
Java ObjectInputStream available() Method The available() method of ObjectInputStream class returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking. Syntax…
Java ObjectInputStream close() Method The close() method of ObjectInputStream class closes the input stream. It must be called to release any resource…
- Java ObjectInputStreamJava Tutorial
Java ObjectInputStream enableResolveObject() Method with Examples
Java ObjectInputStream enableResolveObject() Method The enableResolveObject () method of ObjectInputStream is used to enable the stream to replace the objects which are…
Java ObjectInputStream read() Method The read() method of is used to read a byte of data. Some data must be present…
Java ObjectInputStream readBoolean() Method The readBoolean() method of the class is used to read the data of Boolean type. It returns…
Java ObjectInputStream readByte() Method The readByte() method of Java ObjectInputStream class is used to read an 8-bit byte. Syntax public byte readByte()…
Java ObjectInputStream readInt() Method The readInt() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 32-bit int. Syntax Public int readInt() throws…
Java ObjectInputStream readLong() Method The readLong() method of ObjectInputStream class is used to read a 64 bit float. Syntax public long readLong()throws…