Apache Pig SQRT Function The Apache Pig SQRT function is used to find out the square root of the given value. It…
relational operators
Apache Pig LOG Function The Apache Pig LOG function is used to return the natural logarithm (base e) of an expression. Syntax…
Apache Pig ABS Function The Apache Pig ABS function is used to return the absolute value of an expression. If the result…
Apache Pig LOG10 Function The Apache Pig LOG10 function is used to return the base 10 logarithm of an expression. Syntax LOG10(expression)…
Apache Pig AVG Function The Apache Pig AVG function is used to find the average of given numeric values in a single-column…
Apache Pig MAX Function The Apache Pig MAX function is used to find out the maximum of the numeric values or chararrays…
Apache Pig CBRT Function The Apache Pig CBRT function is used to return the cube root of the expression. Syntax CBRT(expression) Example…
Apache Pig MIN Function The Apache Pig MIN function is used to find out the minimum of the numeric values or chararrays…
Apache Pig CEIL Function The Apache Pig CEIL function is used to round up the provided value to the nearest integer. It…
Apache Pig ORDER BY Operator The Apache Pig ORDER BY operator sorts a relation based on one or more fields. It maintains…