Rails Validation Rails validation defines valid states for each of your Active Record model classes. They are used to ensure that only…
ruby on rails
Rails View Record from Database We will see an example to view data in an application. Step 1 Create a new Rails…
Ruby on Rails Migrations Migrations are a way to alter database schema over time in a consistent and organized manner. They use…
Active Record Data structures are represented by a hierarchy of classes. Data is mostly stored in relational database tables. There is an…
Ruby on Rails AJAX AJAX Introduction AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. It is a mixture of several technologies and is…
Ruby on Rails Bundler In Rails, bundler provides a constant environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing suitable gems that are…
Rails Caching Caching is used in any web technologies. It speeds up the performance by storing previous results for subsequent requests. By…
Ruby on Rails CRUD CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete data in a database. Active Record automatically allows an application…
Ruby on Rails Directory Structure On creating a Rails application, the entire Rails directory structure is created. We will explain Rails 5…
Ruby on Rails Features Rails 5 was launched on 18th September 2015 by David Heinemeier Hansson in Atlanta. Some new features were…