What is On-page SEO On page optimization refers to all measures taken by SEOs within the website to improve the ranking of…
search engine works
Types of SEO Now we have understood that SEO is the process of optimizing a website (making a website easy to understand…
Design and Layout of a Website The design and layout of a website may be appealing but if it is not SEO-friendly,…
Open Graph Meta Tags Open Graph Meta Tags are snippets of text that are used to communicate a page’s content with social…
What is Domain A domain name is the identity of one or more IP addresses; for example, the domain name google.com points…
Directory Submission Directory submission is an off-page optimization activity. It involves submission of your site to a specific category of a web…
What is an SEO-optimized Domain Name? An SEO-optimized domain name is a domain name that introduces your website and tells search engines…
Black Hat SEO Techniques A list of top 10 black hat SEO techniques are given below: Keyword Stuffing Cloaking Hidden Text Doorway…
Forum Posting Forum posting refers to generating quality inbound links by participating in online discussion forums. It allows you to post new…
PageRank PageRank is an algorithm used by Google for link analysis. It was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; the owners…