Locating Strategies- (By XPath- Using Multiple Attribute) In this section, you will learn how to locate a particular web element by XPath-…
selenium ide
CSS Selector – Attribute Syntax: css=<HTML tag><[attribute=Value of attribute]> We can use value, type and name as an Attribute to create a…
CSS Selector – Class Syntax: css=<HTML tag><.><Value of class attribute> “.” is used to symbolize Class attribute. It is mandatory to use…
CSS Selector – ID/Class and Attribute Syntax: css=<HTML tag><. Or #><value of Class or ID attribute><[attribute=Value of attribute]> ‘#’ is used to…
CSS Selector – ID Syntax: css=<HTML tag><#><Value of ID attribute>. ‘#’ is used to symbolize ID attribute. It is mandatory to use…
CSS Selector – Inner text The inner texts are the string patterns that the HTML tag manifests on the web page. Syntax:…
CSS Selector – Sub-string It allows matching a partial string to locate a particular web element. There are three mechanisms in which…
Selenium IDE- Locating Strategies (By Id) This type of locator is more explicit and the first element with the matching id attribute…
Selenium IDE- Locating Strategies (By Identifier) Identifier was used as a default type earlier and not recommended now as it’s not supported…
Selenium IDE- Locating Strategies (By Name) The name locator type will locate the first element with a matching name attribute. For example,…