XQuery Regular Expressions A list of regular expression functions provided by XQuery: Index Name Description 1) matches($input, $regex) It returns true if…
XQuery Environment Setup Let’s see how to create a local development environment. Here we are using the jar file of Saxon XQuery…
XQuery vs XSLT XQuery is program driven while XSLT is document-driven. XQuery is declarative while XSLT is functional. XSLT is written in…
XQuery Features There are many features of XQuery query language. A list of top features are given below: XQuery is a functional…
XQuery XPath XQuery uses XPath expressions to restrict the search results on XML collections. XQuery XPath Example Let’s take an XML document…
XQuery First Example Here, the XML document is named as courses.xml and xqy file is named as courses.xqy courses.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>…
XQuery FLWOR FLWOR is an acronym which stands for “For, Let, Where, Order by, Return”. For – It is used to select…
XQuery Functions XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0, and XSLT 2.0 share the same functions library. A list of different types of XQuery functions:…
XQuery HTML Format XQuery can also be used to transform an XML document into an HTML page. Let’s take an example to…
XQuery If Then Else Statement The XQuery If Then Else statement is used to check the validity of the passing input values.…