Don’t Care Condition The “Don’t care” condition says that we can use the blank cells of a K-map to make a group…
simplification of boolean function
NOT Gate The NOT gate is the most basic logic gate of all other logic gates. NOT gate is also known as…
Master-Slave JK Flip Flop In “JK Flip Flop”, when both the inputs and CLK set to 1 for a long time, then…
Binary Adder The registers play an important role in performing the micro-operations. The registers hold the digital component and the data which…
Encoders The combinational circuits that change the binary information into N output lines are known as Encoders. The binary information is passed…
Number System In a digital system, the system can understand only the optional number system. In these systems, digits symbols are used…
Minterm and Maxterm There are two ways in which we can put the Boolean function. These ways are the minterm canonical form…
Binary Adder-Subtractor A Binary Adder-Subtractor is a special type of circuit that is used to perform both operations, i.e., Addition and Subtraction.…
- Digital Electronics TutorialPopular Tutorials
Error Detection and Correction Code in Digital Electronics
Error Detection and Correction Code Error detection and correction code plays an important role in the transmission of data from one source…
OR Gate The OR gate is a mostly used digital logic circuit. The output state of the OR gate will always be…