jQuery UI Slider jQuery UI slider is used to obtain a numeric value within a certain range. The main advantage of slider…
SSL Pinning in Swift Every Mobile application needs to retrieve information from the server to display it to the user. However, there…
Using UIColor to customize app appearance UIColor is a subclass of NSObject used to store color and opacity information about an object…
Using Advanced CoreML As we have already discussed, we can use CoreML to perform image recognition with a ready-made MLModel by adding…
Split View Controller In iOS applications, there are the requirements to split the screen into two sections and display a view controller…
Introduction to machine learning In iOS applications, we use CoreML to incorporate machine learning in iOS applications. It is Apple’s framework to…
Using AVAudioPlayer to play sounds in iOS applications In iOS applications, there are scenarios where we need to play media sounds (like…
Stepper It is a type of UIControl which is used to increase and decrease value. The stepper consists of two buttons. It…
Memory Management in iOS applications We can’t imagine a technology enhancement without memory in today’s tech world. The memory includes the hardware…
Using Realm database in iOS app We have used SQLite and CoreData to persist the data in iOS applications. The realm is…