Flask vs. Django Django and Flask are the web frameworks of Python. As we know, Python is the most versatile programming language…
static files
Flask SQLite Flask can make use of the SQLite3 module of the python to create the database web applications. In this section…
Flask Templates In the previous examples, we have returned the simple string as the response from the view function. Although, flask facilitates…
Python Flask Tutorial Flask Tutorial provides the basic and advanced concepts of the Python Flask framework. Our Flask tutorial is designed for…
Flask URL Building The url_for() function is used to build a URL to the specific function dynamically. The first argument is the…
Flask-WTF WTF stands for WT Forms which is intended to provide the interactive user interface for the user. The WTF is a…
Flask File Uploading File uploading is the process of transmitting the binary or normal files to the server. Flask facilitates us to…
Flask Flashing In the web applications, there are scenarios where the developer might need to flash the messages to provide feedback to…
Flask HTTP methods HTTP is the hypertext transfer protocol which is considered as the foundation of the data transfer in the world…
Flask-Mail Extension Considering the fact that flask is a micro framework, it has its limitations in providing the facilities to the developer.…