SQL vs. PL/SQL vs. T-SQL SQL is a standard query language of the database. Where the PL/ SQL stands for “Procedural Language…
t-sql functions
T-SQL GROUP BY In Transact SQL, GROUP BY clause is used to arrange the data into group. It is followed by WHERE…
T-SQL Indexes Indices are the unique tables that the database search engine uses to speed up the data retrieval. The index is…
T-SQL INSERT STATEMENT In T-SQL, INSERT statement is used to add new rows into the table. INSERT INTO SELECT requires the data…
T-SQL JOINS T-SQL combines records from two or more tables. It is used to join the records from two or more tables…
T-SQL LIKE Operator In Transact-SQL, The LIKE operator is used to search the pattern specified in the column with WHERE clause. The…
T-SQL Numeric function In T-SQL, a Numeric function is applied to numeric data and returns digital data. The types of Numeric function…
T-SQL ORDER BY ORDER BY Clause sorts the database in increasing or decreasing order. To sort multiple columns at once, separate the…
T-SQL Pivot and UnPivot Pivot and Unpivot in Transact SQL are the relational operators. They transform one table into another to achieve…
T-SQL SELECT STATEMENT In T-SQL, the SELECT statement is used to fetch the data from the database table that returns the data…