Java Math.getExponent() method The java.lang.Math.getExponent() return the unbiased exponent used in the representation of double or float. Syntax public static int getExponent(float…
Java Math.abs() method The java.lang.Math.abs() method returns the absolute (Positive) value of a int value. This method gives the absolute value of…
Java Math.hypot() method The java.lang.Math.hypot() is used to return the square root of the sum of squares of the specified arguments without…
Java Math.acos() method The java.lang.Math.acos() is used to calculate the trigonometric Arc Cosine of an angle. Arc cosine is also called as…
Java Math.IEEEremainder() method The java.lang.Math.IEEEremainder() is used to compute the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard.…
Java Math.addExact() method The java.lang.Math.addExact() returns the sum of its arguments. It will throw an exception if the result overflows either int…
Java Math.incrementExact() method The java.lang.Math.incrementExact() returns the argument incremented by one. It will throw an exception if the result overflows either int…
Java Math.asin() method The java.lang.Math.asin() is used to calculate the trigonometric Arc Sine of an angle. Arc Sine is also called as…
Java Math.log() method The java.lang.Math.log() is used to find out the Logarithmic Value of any number. This method returns the natural logarithm…
Java Math.atan() method The java.lang.Math.atan() is used to calculate the trigonometric Arc Tangent of an angle. Arc Tangent is also called as…