XML Serialization and Deserialization with Jackson In this section, we will discuss another important concept of Jackson, i.e., serialization and deserialization of…
tree model
Serialize Date by using Jackson In Java, Date is one of the most important data types. When we work with REST API,…
Parsing String to JsonNode Jackson In this section, we will understand how we can use Jackson 2.0 for converting a JSON String…
Serialize and Deserialize Booleans as Integers with Jackson In Java, the Jackson library is the de-facto standard when it comes to processing…
Serialize and Deserialize Enums with Jackson In this section, we will understand how we can serialize and deserialize Java Enums by using…
Serialize and Deserialize Specific Fields in Jackson In this section, we will explore various ways through which we can control whether the…
Compare JSON Objects with Jackson Jackson is one of the most used libraries for comparing JSON objects. Many times, we need to…
Serialize Fields Based on Custom Criteria in Jackson By using Jackson, we can serialize only those fields that meet specific custom criteria.…
Deserialize to Collection/Array in Jackson Deserializing the JSON Array to a Java Array or Collection is one of the most important tasks…
Type Handling Annotations in Jackson Type Handling annotations are used for handling types of properties. Jackson provides more than one Type Handling…