GraphQL Installation Let’s start with GraphQL.js installation. You must have the following things before going to start. We need a computer system…
what is graphql
GraphQL vs. REST When you want to build an API, you have to use REST, which is a standard for designing web…
GraphQL Architecture Let’s see the architecture of GraphQL to understand how GraphQL is used in an HTTP client, especially in a web/mobile…
GraphQL First Example Let’s create a simple Hello World example in GraphQL. Here, we shall use Node.js, Express, Apollo server, and GraphiQL.…
GraphQL Tutorial GraphQL is a new API standard invented and developed by Facebook. It is an open-source server-side technology, now maintained by…
GraphQL Resolvers GraphQL resolvers are the collection of functions that are used to populate the data for a single field in your…
GraphQL Schema The GraphQL schema is the core building block of GraphQL server implementation. The GraphQL server uses a GraphQL schema to…
GraphQL Type System GraphQL is a strongly typed language. A programming language is known as a strongly typed programming language if each…
Apollo: The GraphQL Toolkit What is Apollo? Apollo is a complete suite of tools or a toolkit used to create a GraphQL…
GraphQL Advantages and Disadvantages When Facebook build GraphQL, they needed a powerful data-fetching API which can handle all the task of Facebook,…