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Volume Formula

In geometry, three-dimensional shapes are solid objects that have three dimensions. The dimensions contain the length, width, and height of the object. Some examples of 3D shapes are cube, cone, cylinder, pyramid, sphere, etc. We find the volume of these shapes so that we can measure how much space an object takes up to store liquid, gas, etc. There are different volume formulas for different shapes. By using these formulas, we can find the volume of shapes.

In this section, we will learn the volume formula of all the three-dimensional shapes.


The amount of space occupied by an object is called the volume of that object where an object is a 3D object. We find the volume to measure the capacity of the object or container. We can find the volume of any 3D shape easily by using the formula. If the 3D shape is complicated, we use integral calculus to find the volume.

The volume is denoted by the letter V. We measure the volume in the cubic unit or unit3. In the following table, we have summarized all the volume formulas with the figure for better understanding.

Shape Figure Volume Formula Variables Constant
Cube Volume Formula V=a3
When diameter is given:
Volume Formula
a: is the length of the side
d: is the length of the diameter
Cone Volume Formula Volume Formula
When slant height is given:
Volume Formula
r: is the radius
h: is the perpendicular height
l: is the slant height
π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Cylinder Volume Formula V=πr2 h r: is the radius
h: is the height
π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Hollow Cylinder Volume Formula V=πh(r22-r12) r1: is the internal radius
r2: is the external radius
h: is the height of the cylinder
D: is the external diameter
d: is the internal diameter
π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Cuboid Volume Formula V=l×w×h l: is the length
w: is the width
h: is the height
Sphere Volume Formula Volume Formula
When diameter is given:
Volume Formula
When circumference is given:
Volume Formula
When area is given:
Volume Formula
r: is the radius
d: is the diameter of the sphere
C: is the circumference of the sphere
A: is the area of the sphere
π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Hemisphere Volume Formula Volume Formula r: is the radius π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Pyramid Volume Formula Volume Formula l: is the base length
w: is the base width
h: is the height of the pyramid
Rectangular Prism Volume Formula V=l×w×h l: is the length
w: is the width
h: is the height
Triangular Prism Volume Formula Volume Formula l: is the length
w: is the width
h: is the height
Ellipsoid Volume Formula Volume Formula a, b, and c: are semi-axes of ellipsoid π: is a constant whose value is 3.14 or 22/7
Tetrahedron Volume Formula Volume Formula a: is edge of tetrahedron

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