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What does p mean in Html

by Online Tutorials Library

What does p mean in Html

The p is a tag in Html. Html <p> tag is used to define the paragraph in the documents. The <p> tag is a pair tag, so it is mandatory to close this tag. If we do not close this tag, then the Html editor takes each line in the paragraph.

We can also use the attribute align in the paragraph tag. The align attribute aligns the text within a paragraph.

We can easily understand the <p> tag by the examples. So, we will provide the following various examples.

Example 1: This example describes how to use the <p> tag in the Html document.

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The output of above Html code is shown in the following screenshot:

What does p mean in Html

Example 2: This example uses the align attribute in the paragraph tag in the Html document.

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What does p mean in Html

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