If you use custom WooCommerce order statuses, or wish to target an order status transition that is not default (e.g. when order goes from “Processing” to “Completed”, the Completed email triggers – but what if you want to target a transition from “Processing” to “Custom Status”?), sending custom emails is quite complex.
First of all, they won’t show under WooCommerce > Settings > Emails (unless you code it, true) – second, no email will trigger. So, how do they do it?
Snippet (PHP): Send WooCommerce Email @ Custom Order Status
* @snippet Send Formatted Email @ WooCommerce Custom Order Status
* @how-to Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @sourcecode https://tutoraspire.com/?p=91907
* @author Tutor Aspire
* @compatible WooCommerce 3.5.7
* @donate $9 https://tutoraspire.com
// Targets custom order status "refused"
// Uses 'woocommerce_order_status_' hook
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_refused', 'tutoraspire_status_custom_notification', 20, 2 );
function tutoraspire_status_custom_notification( $order_id, $order ) {
$heading = 'Order Refused';
$subject = 'Order Refused';
// Get WooCommerce email objects
$mailer = WC()->mailer()->get_emails();
// Use one of the active emails e.g. "Customer_Completed_Order"
// Wont work if you choose an object that is not active
// Assign heading & subject to chosen object
$mailer['WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order']->heading = $heading;
$mailer['WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order']->settings['heading'] = $heading;
$mailer['WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order']->subject = $subject;
$mailer['WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order']->settings['subject'] = $subject;
// Send the email with custom heading & subject
$mailer['WC_Email_Customer_Completed_Order']->trigger( $order_id );
// To add email content use https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-add-extra-content-order-email/
// You have to use the email ID chosen above and also that $order->get_status() == "refused"