Home » WooCommerce: Shipping Rates by Order Amount

WooCommerce: Shipping Rates by Order Amount

by Tutor Aspire

The new shipping zone management that was introduced with Woo 2.6 gives us the chance to add flat rate, free shipping and local pick-up methods by default.

But what if a client requires 3 different rates depending on the order amount (tiered shipping)? For example: “For orders up to $100, shipping = $5; for orders up to $250, shipping = $2; for orders above $500, shipping = free”.

Is this possible without using a plugin? Well, the answer, as usual, is absolutely yes! Enjoy!

1. Tiered Shipping – Shipping Zone Setup

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Shipping and create your shipping zone. In the example, I will target US customers and add 3 shipping methods to it: Flat Rate, Flat Rate and Free Shipping.

Shipping Zone Setup for Tiered Shipping
Shipping Zone Setup for Tiered Shipping

2. Tiered Shipping – Shipping Methods Setup

Open each one of the shipping methods previously added to the zone and rename them / set them up like this:

  1. Flat Rate #1 > rename to “Orders Below $100” and assign cost = $5
  2. Flat Rate #2 > rename to “Orders Below $250” and assign cost = $2
  3. Free Shipping > select “Requires a minimum order amount” = $500

Here’s one of the method’s setup:

Shipping Method Setup for Tiered Shipping
Shipping Method Setup for Tiered Shipping

3. Tiered Shipping – PHP Snippet

Now we need to “tell” WooCommerce that, based on the order amount, a Flat Rate should be used instead of the other. Only in this way we can show the correct shipping method to the end user.

First, take a note of the unique ID of the two flat rates. They should look look something like “flat_rate:9“. For more info on how to find it, check the “How to Find Shipping Class ID” paragraph here: https://businessbloomer.com/woocommerce-disable-free-shipping-if-cart-has-shipping-class

Second, let’s code! We’ll need to “unset” flat rate #2 if we are under $100, otherwise we’ll require to “unset” flat rate #1.

* @snippet       Tiered Shipping Rates | WooCommerce
* @how-to        Get tutoraspire.com FREE
* @author        Tutor Aspire
* @testedwith    WooCommerce 5.0
* @donate $9     https://tutoraspire.com

add_filter( 'woocommerce_package_rates', 'tutoraspire_woocommerce_tiered_shipping', 10, 2 );

function tutoraspire_woocommerce_tiered_shipping( $rates, $package ) {
   $threshold = 100;
   if ( WC()->cart->subtotal 

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