Searching for a specific node in Doubly Linked List
We just need traverse the list in order to search for a specific element in the list. Perform following operations in order to search a specific operation.
- Copy head pointer into a temporary pointer variable ptr.
- declare a local variable I and assign it to 0.
- Traverse the list until the pointer ptr becomes null. Keep shifting pointer to its next and increasing i by +1.
- Compare each element of the list with the item which is to be searched.
- If the item matched with any node value then the location of that value I will be returned from the function else NULL is returned.
- Step 1: IF HEAD == NULL
- Step 2: Set PTR = HEAD
- Step 3: Set i = 0
- Step 4: Repeat step 5 to 7 while PTR != NULL
- Step 5: IF PTR → data = item
- Step 6: i = i + 1
- Step 7: PTR = PTR → next
- Step 8: Exit
return i
C Function
1.Create 2.Search 3.Exit 4.Enter your choice?1 Enter the item 23 Node Inserted 1.Create 2.Search 3.Exit 4.Enter your choice?1 Enter the item 90 Node Inserted 1.Create 2.Search 3.Exit 4.Enter your choice?2 Enter item which you want to search? 90 item found at location 1
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