Max – Min Problem
Problem: Analyze the algorithm to find the maximum and minimum element from an array.
Algorithm: Max ?Min Element (a []) Max: a [i] Min: a [i] For i= 2 to n do If a[i]> max then max = a[i] if a[i] < min then min: a[i] return (max, min)
Method 1: if we apply the general approach to the array of size n, the number of comparisons required are 2n-2.
Method-2: In another approach, we will divide the problem into sub-problems and find the max and min of each group, now max. Of each group will compare with the only max of another group and min with min.
Let n = is the size of items in an array
Let T (n) = time required to apply the algorithm on an array of size n. Here we divide the terms as T(n/2).
2 here tends to the comparison of the minimum with minimum and maximum with maximum as in above example.
T (n) = 2 T → Eq (i)
T (2) = 1, time required to compare two elements/items. (Time is measured in units of the number of comparisons)
→ Eq (ii)
Put eq (ii) in eq (i)
Similarly, apply the same procedure recursively on each subproblem or anatomy
{Use recursion means, we will use some stopping condition to stop the algorithm}
Recursion will stop, when → (Eq. 4)
Put the equ.4 into equation3.
Number of comparisons requires applying the divide and conquering algorithm on n elements/items =
Number of comparisons requires applying general approach on n elements = (n-1) + (n-1) = 2n-2
From this example, we can analyze, that how to reduce the number of comparisons by using this technique.
Analysis: suppose we have the array of size 8 elements.
Method1: requires (2n-2), (2×8)-2=14 comparisons
Method2: requires
It is evident; we can reduce the number of comparisons (complexity) by using a proper technique.