11) What do you have for …. lunch?
- a
- the
- an
- no article
Answer: D
Explanation: We speak about lunch in general, so an article is not required.
12) He liked …. yellow shirt in the shop and bought it.
- a
- an
- the
- no article
Answer: C
Explanation: As we are talking about a particular shirt, so we use the definite article ‘the’.
13) The car travelled 150 kilometers ….. hour.
- the
- an
- a
- no article
Answer: B
Explanation: The ‘h’ is silent in ‘hour’, so use ‘an’ for a spoken vowel ‘o’.
14) Where is …. book I lent you last month?
- an
- the
- a
- no article
Answer: B
Explanation: As we are talking about a particular book, so we use definite article ‘the’.
15) Do you live in …. Delhi?
- a
- the
- an
- no article
Answer: D
Explanation: Delhi is a proper noun, so an article is not required.
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