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Java Short Class

The short class wraps a primitive short type value in an object. Its object contains only a single field whose type is short.


The java.lang.Short class provides several different methods for converting a short to a String or vice versa. This class also provides other constants and methods which are useful when we are dealing with short.

Methods Description
byteValue() It returns the value of this Short as a short
compare() It compares the two specified short values
compareTo() It compares two Short objects numerically
compareUnsigned() It compares the two unsigned short values
decode() It is used to decode a String into a Short
doubleValue() It returns a double value for this Short object
equals() It is used to compare this object against the specified short object
floatValue() It returns the value of this Short as a Float
hashCode() It returns a hash code for this Short object
intValue() It returns an int value for this Short object
longValue() It returns a long value for this Short object
parseShort() It is used to parse the string argument as a signed decimal short.
reverseBytes() It returns the value fetched by reversing the order of the bytes in 2’s complement representation of the given short value.
shortValue() It returns a short value for this Short object
toString() This method returns a string representation for the Short’s object
toUnsignedInt() It is used to convert the specified short to an int by an unsigned conversion
toUnsignedLong() It is used to convert the specified short to a long by an unsigned conversion
valueOf() Returns a Short instance representing the specified short or string value.

Example 1

Test it Now


1. 500 is greater than 12  2. 12 and 12 are equal.  3. Long value of 12 is : 12  4. String value of 12 is : 12  5. Double value of 500 is : 500.0  

Example 2

Test it Now


1. 607 is greater than 50  2. Hash code value of 50 is : 50  3. Float value of 607 is : 607.0  4. Integer value of 607 is : 607  5. Decoded value of string value 123 is : 123  

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