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Aptitude Partnership Concepts

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Aptitude Partnership Concepts and Formulas

Points to remember:

1) Partnership: It refers to a business association between two or more than two persons who run a business together and share the total profit at an agreed proportion. The persons who enter into a partnership are called partners.

2) Working partner: A partner who is actively involved in the business and manages the business is known as an active partner.

3) Sleeping partner: A partner who invests money but does not involve or look after the business is known as a sleeping partner.

4) Simple partnership: It refers to a partnership in which each partner invests capital for the same period.

5) Compound partnership: It refers to a partnership in which the partners invest capital for different periods.

Some Quicker Methods:

1) If two partners invest capital Rs. C1 and Rs. C2 for the same period and earn profit Rs. P, the share of the partners in the profit is given by;
Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 1Number Sign 2 and Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 2Number Sign 2

Similarly, If there are three partners who invest Rs. C1, Rs. C2 and Rs. C3 for the same period and earn total profit Rs. P, the shares of the partners in the profit are given by;
Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 3 Number Sign 2, Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 4 Number Sign 2 ,Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 5 Number Sign 2

2) If two partners invest capital Rs. C1 and Rs. C2 for different periods T1 and T2 respectively and earn total profit Rs. P, shares of the partners in the profit are given by;
Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 6Number Sign 2 and Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 7Number Sign 2

Similarly, if there are three partners who invest Rs. C1, Rs. C2 and Rs. C3 for different periods T1, T2 and T3 respectively and earn total profit Rs. P, the shares of the partners in the profit are given by:
Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 8Number Sign 2, Rs Number Sign Apti Partnership 9Number Sign 2 and Number Sign Apti Partnership 10Number Sign 2

3) If two partners invest capital C1 and C2 for the periods T1 and T2, respectively, the ratio of their profits is given by:
Apti Partnership 11 = Apti Partnership 12

Similarly, if three partners A, B, and C invest Rs. C1, Rs. C2 and Rs. C3 for different periods T1, T2, and T3 respectively then the ratio of their profits is given by:

Profit of A: Profit of B: Profit of C = C1*T1: C2*T2: C3*T3

If three partners invest capital in the ratio C1: C2: C3 and earn a profit in the ratio P1:P2: P3, the ratio of the time for which they have invested capital is given by:
T1:T2:T3 = Apti Partnership 13Apti Partnership 14Apti Partnership 15

Aptitude Partnership Test Paper 1
Aptitude Partnership Test Paper 2
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