Home » RichFaces Rich:Datatable

RichFaces Rich:Datatable

by Online Tutorials Library

RichFaces <rich:dataTable>

This component is used to render a table. It displays data in tabular form. It works with the <rich:column> and <rich:columnGroup> components to list the contents of a data model.

The value attribute is used to hold data model and the var attribute specifies a variable to use when iterating through the data model.

The dataTable requires a set of <rich:column> components to define the content.

Style classes and skin parameters

The following table cotains the Style classes and corresponding skin parameters for dataTable.

Class Function Skin Parameters Mapped CSS properties
.rf-dt It is used to define styles for the table. tableBackgroundColor tableBorderWidth background-color border-left-width, border-top-width
.rf-dt-cap It is used to define styles for the table caption. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-r It is used to define styles for a table row. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-fst-r It is used to define styles for the first row in a table. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-c It is used to define styles for a table cell. tableBackgroundColor tableBorderWidth background-color border-bottom-width, border-right-width
.rf-dt-nd It is used to define styles for a node. tableBorderColor border-bottom-color, border-right-color
.rf-dt-hdr It is used to define styles for a table header. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-hdr-fst It is used to define styles for the first header. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-hdr-c It is used to define styles for a header cell. tableHeaderBackgroundColor tableBorderWidth background-color border-bottom-width, border-right-width
.rf-dt-shdr It is used to define styles for a table sub-header. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-shdr-fst It is used to define styles for the first sub-header. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-shdr-c It is used to define styles for a sub-header cell. tableHeaderBackgroundColor background-color
.rf-dt-ftr It is used to define styles for a table footer. No skin parameters.
.rf-dt-ftr-fst It is used to define styles for the first footer. No skin parameters.


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <rich:dataTable> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// data-table.xhtml

Managed Bean

// StudentRecord.java


RichFaces Datatable 1

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