Home » RichFaces Rich:List

RichFaces Rich:List

by Online Tutorials Library

RichFaces <rich:list>

This component is used to render a list of items. We can create numerically ordered list, an un-ordered, bullet-point list etc. It uses a data model for managing the list items which can be updated dynamically.

Style classes and skin parameters

The following table contains the style classes and corresponding skin parameters for the list.

Class Function Skin Parameters Mapped CSS properties
.rf-ulst-itm It is used to define styles for an item in an unordered list. generalTextColor generalFamilyFont color font-family
.rf-olst-itm It is used to define styles for an item in an unordered list. generalTextColor generalFamilyFont color font-family
.rf-dlst-trm It is used to define styles for the term of an item in a definition list. generalTextColor generalFamilyFont color font-family
.rf-dlst-dfn It is used to define styles for the definition of an item in a definition list. generalTextColor generalFamilyFont generalSizeFont color font-family font-size


Here, in the following example, we are implementing <rich:list> component. This example contains the following files.

JSF File

// rich-list.xhtml

Managed Bean

// StudentRecord.java


RichFaces List 1

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