Sending Ajax Request
RichFaces provides tag libraries which are capable to send Ajax request from JavaServer Faces pages. Following are the important tags used in the web application.
- The <a4j:commandButton> and <a4j:commandLink> tags are used to send an Ajax request on the click JavaScript event.
- The <a4j:poll> tag is used to send an Ajax request periodically using a timer.
- The <a4j:ajax> tag allow is used to add Ajax functionality to standard JSF components and send Ajax request on a chosen JavaScript event, such as keyup or mouseover.
- Most components in the r tag library have built-in Ajax support.
The <a4j:commandButton> Tag
to implement this tag we need to create the following files.
// index.xhtml
// User.java
// web.xml
After running index.xhtml file, it produces the following output.
CommandLink Tag
// commandLink.xhtml
// User.java
// web.xml
<a4j:ajax> Tag
// web.xml
// User.java
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