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RichFaces Sending Ajax Request

by Online Tutorials Library

Sending Ajax Request

RichFaces provides tag libraries which are capable to send Ajax request from JavaServer Faces pages. Following are the important tags used in the web application.

  • The <a4j:commandButton> and <a4j:commandLink> tags are used to send an Ajax request on the click JavaScript event.
  • The <a4j:poll> tag is used to send an Ajax request periodically using a timer.
  • The <a4j:ajax> tag allow is used to add Ajax functionality to standard JSF components and send Ajax request on a chosen JavaScript event, such as keyup or mouseover.
  • Most components in the r tag library have built-in Ajax support.

The <a4j:commandButton> Tag

to implement this tag we need to create the following files.

// index.xhtml

// User.java

// web.xml

After running index.xhtml file, it produces the following output.

RichFaces Sending ajax request 1

CommandLink Tag

// commandLink.xhtml

// User.java

// web.xml


RichFaces Sending ajax request 2

<a4j:ajax> Tag


// web.xml

// User.java


RichFaces Sending ajax request 3

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