C++ Algorithm transform() C++ Algorithm transform() function is used in two different ways: 1.unary operation:- This method performs unary operation op on…
DAA Algorithm The word algorithm has been derived from the Persian author’s name, Abu Ja ‘far Mohammed ibn Musa al Khowarizmi (c.…
C++ Algorithm includes() C++ Algorithm includes() function returns true if every element from the sorted range [first2, last2) is found within the…
C++ Algorithm minmax() C++ Algorithm minmax() function can be used in following 3 ways: It compares the two values passed in its…
C++ Algorithm replace() C++ Algorithm replace() function is used to replace all value equal to old_value by the value new_value in the…
C++ Algorithm stable_sort() C++ Algorithm stable_sort() function is used to sort the elements in the range [first, last) into ascending order like…
C++ Algorithm inplace_merge() C++ Algorithm inplace_merge() function is used to merge two consecutive sorted ranges [first, last) and [middle, last) into one…
C++ Algorithm minmax_element() C++ Algorithm minmax_element() function is used to return a pair with an iterator pointing to the smallest value in…
C++ Algorithm replace_copy() C++ Algorithm replace_copy() function is used to make a copy of the range [first, last) and replaces all old_value…
C++ Algorithm swap_ranges() C++ Algorithm swap_ranges() exchanges the elements in the range [first1, last2) with the elements present in the range starting…