Map Simplification The Map method involves a simple, straightforward procedure for simplifying Boolean expressions. Map simplification may be regarded as a pictorial…
- B.Tech / MCAComputer Organization And Architecture
CALL Instructions and Stack in AVR Microcontroller
CALL Instructions and Stack in AVR Microcontroller CALL can be described in the form of a control transfer instruction. With the help…
- B.Tech / MCAComputer Organization And Architecture
D Flip-Flop | Computer Organization and Architecture Tutorial
D Flip-Flop D flip-flop is a slight modification of clocked SR flip-flop. From the above figure, you can see that the D…
- B.Tech / MCAComputer Organization And Architecture
Full ? Adder | Computer Organization and Architecture Tutorial
Full – Adder This circuit needs three binary inputs and two binary outputs. The truth table for a full-adder is: Two of…
- B.Tech / MCAComputer Organization And Architecture
Difference between Memory-based and Register-based addressing modes
Difference between Memory-based and Register-based addressing modes To learn the memory-based addressing mode and register-based addressing mode, we have to first learn…
Difference between Call and Jump Instructions The Jump instruction is a type of transfer instruction. With the help of this instruction, we…
Data Representation in Computer Organization In computer organization, data refers to the symbols that are used to represent events, people, things and…
Functional Units of Digital System A computer organization describes the functions and design of the various units of a digital system. A…
Types of Operands in Computer Organization Computer instruction is a binary code that determines the micro-operations in a sequence for a computer.…
Multiplexers A Multiplexer (MUX) can be described as a combinational circuit that receives binary information from one of the 2^n input data…