Tails Operating System
In this article, you will learn about the Tails Operating System with its features, advantages, and disadvantages.
What is Tails Operating System?
Tails stand for The Amnesic Incognito Live System. It is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution that helps to maintain privacy and anonymity. It is designed to be booted as a live USB and DVD, and it does not leave a digital footprint on the machine unless it is explicitly ordered to. It can also be operated as a virtual system, but it comes with its own set of security concerns. It only links to the internet via the Tor anonymity network.
It is a very secure and portable OS that uses the Tor network to protect users’ online privacy while also assisting them in circumventing internet censorship. It was initially designed and developed for the Project Secure Whistleblowers to protect whistleblower’s identities. It is the most secure operating system because of its flexibility. Although, regular users may download and use the TAIL operating system for free if they wish to protect their privacy and data flow.
History of the Tails Operating System
It was firstly launched on 23 June 2009. The next development iteration on Incognito is a defunct Gentoo-based Linux distribution operating system. From release 3.0, Tails requires a 64-bit processor to execute the programs. At the beginning of the Tails project, the Tor Project offered financial support for its development. It was also supported by Mozilla, the Freedom of the Press Foundation, and the Open Technology Fund.
Why should you use Tails?
Every other day, you hear about another breach, browser exploit, or malicious piece of software. You are even more vulnerable to these types of hacks if you want your browsing on public Wi-Fi networks. Tails is a Linux distribution operating system focused on security, and it can assist you. If you are required to utilize a public Wi-Fi network, this distribution may protect your traffic from prying eyes. Similarly, if you’re concerned about someone following your location, whether a creepy stalker or something worse, it can randomize your traffic that keeps you safe.
Tails may run in a virtual system or a Live CD/USB. You may keep them in the pocket and boot into them as needed without creating too much trouble. You don’t require this all of the time, but if you’re checking bank statements, submitting papers to a work server, or even going shopping, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
How does it work?
It is a Debian-based live OS that uses Tor for all internet communication. Its main objective is to give you security through anonymity. It allows you to browse the web anonymously using encrypted connections. Tails protect you in various ways. Because all of the traffic is routed via the Tor, it’s impossible to track the physical position or see which websites you visit. Tails do not use a system hard disk, so nothing is saved that you do on the system. Instead, everything you work on the system is saved in the main memory and deleted when you close your system. It implies that any critical documents you’re working on will never be saved permanently. As a result, Tails is a better OS for using on a public system or network. It also includes various fundamental cryptographic tools. If you are running the Tails operating system off a USB drive, it is encrypted with the LUCKS. All internet traffic is encrypted with HTTP, emails and documents are encrypted with OpenPGP, and instant messaging conversations are encrypted with OTR.
Features of Tails Operating System
There are various features of Tails OS. Some features of the Tails OS are as follows:
- The main feature of the Tails operating system is the ability to lock the screen. While it may not appear to be much, it is quite important if you need to leave your Tails system unattended for any reason and don’t want strangers to snoop. The lock feature is located in the upper right-hand menu. If you created an administrator password during setup, you might use it to unlock the system. If you did not make an admin password, you’d be given a chance to make one on the fly.
- GNOME 3 is Tails pre-installed desktop environment. The system provides necessary software for tasks such as document reading and editing, image editing, video viewing, and printing. Other Debian applications can be installed at the user’s request.
- It includes video applications and Audacity sound. Audacity is a multi-track audio editor for digital audio recording, playback, and editing.
- Suppose you start work with the Tails OS. You may choose various languages, including Greek, English, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Catalan, Czech, Welsh, Danish, German, Albanian, Serbian, Swedish, Turkish, etc.
- It installs and executes without using a third-party operating system on a USB storage device.
- It offers various security tools for securely communicating and working on essential documents.
- It removes all traces of the activities when you close the system.
- Even if you’re not connected to the internet, the software will be installed in the background.
- Tails include LibreOffice, a sophisticated office suite that includes various features.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Tails Operating System
There are various advantages and disadvantages of the Tails Operating System. Some advantages and disadvantages of the Tails OS are as follows:
- It is very easy to use and understand.
- It is packaged with the OpenPGP encryption applet.
- It offers a safe place to store passwords.
- It may start browsing anonymously right out of the box.
- It allows the users to store the encrypted data on the Tails OS USB Stick.
- It is packaged with Pidgin IM, LibreOffice, Poedit, etc.
- It also provides various media applications.
- In the Tails OS, a flash drive may be easily misplaced.
- It must be used as a live boot OS.
- ToR has been compromised for a while.