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Java Double class

The Double class generally wraps the primitive type double into an object. An object of Double class contains a field with the type Double.


This class is useful in providing various methods like a method which can be used to convert a double to a String and a method which can be used to convert a String into a double.

Methods Description
byteValue() It returns the value of Double as a byte after the conversion.
compare(double d1, double d2) It compares the two double values.
compareTo(Double another Double) It compares two Double objects numerically.
DoubleToLongBits(double value) It returns the representation of the floating point value provided by IEEE 754 “double format” bit layout.
doubleToRawLongBits(double value) It returns the representation of the floating point value provided by IEEE 754 “double format” bit layout.
doubleValue() It returns the value of Double as a double after the conversion.
equals(Object obj) It compares the object with the specified object.
floatValue() It returns the float type value for the given Double object.
hashCode() It returns the hash code for the given Double object.
hashCode(Double value) It returns the hash code for the given Double value.
intValue() It returns the value of Double as an int after the conversion.
isFinite(double d) It returns true if the argument is finite floating point. Otherwise, returns false.
isInfinite() It returns true if the double value is infinitely large in magnitude. Otherwise, returns false.
isInfinite(double v) It returns true if the given number is infinitely large in magnitude. Otherwise, returns false.
isNaN() It returns true if the double value is Not a Number value. Otherwise, returns false.
IsNaN(double v) It returns true if the specified number is Not a Number value. Otherwise, returns false.
longBitsToDouble(long bits) It returns the value of type Double in correspondence to the given bit representation.
longValue() It returns the value of Double as a long after the conversion.
max(double a, double b) It returns the greater of the two double values.
min(double a, double b) It returns the smaller of the two double values.
parseDouble(String s) It returns a new double which is initialized by the value provided by the String.
shortValue() It returns the value of Double as a short after the conversion.
sum(double a, double b) It adds the two values as per the + operator.
toHexString(double d) It returns a hexadecimal string represented by the double argument.
toString() It returns a string represented by the Double object.
toString(double d) It returns a string represented by the double argument.
valueOf(double d) It returns the object of Double represented by a double value.
valueOf(String s) It returns the object of Double which holds the double value represented by string argument.

Example 1

Test it Now


The hashCode for the number '45.0' is given as :1078362112  The interger type value for the double '67.0' is given as :67  Is the number 'NaN' is NaN? :true  Is the number '67.0' is finite? true  

Example 2

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The first value is : 59.0  The second value is : 90.0  The value '90.0' is the greatest.  The maximum of the two values '59.0' and '90.0' is given as :90.0  

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